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 ====== UTLH ====== ====== UTLH ======
 +Gifted by an emperor, Ethiopia’s iconic Africa Hall has been renovated for a new era
 +Only 26 African countries had achieved independence when, in February 1961, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie ascended a sloping staircase to inaugurate Africa Hall in Addis Ababa, which he gifted as the new headquarters for the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
-Любой профессиональный инвесторвсегда ищет проекты с уникальными идеями и сильными командами. [[https://​​|UTLH]] привлекателен сочетанием инновационного подхода и реальной пользы для холдеров. Ограниченная эмиссия в сочетании с программой универсальной финансовой помощи ​(УФПсоздает дефицит и спросчтонесомненноотразится на ценеОсобенно впечатляет концепция закрытого сообщества UTL Clubгде участники не только получают финансовые инструменты,​ но и обмениваются опытомЭто не просто токенэто экосистемаориентированная на ростПрозрачность смарт-контрактов на BSC и открытый код - важный фактор для инвестораи здесь [[https://​​|UTLH]] полностью соответствует самым высоким требованиямСтейкинг с 24% годовых ​это приятный бонус! В целом [[​|UTLH]] фундаментальный актив с хорошими перспективами ростаПроект обладает четким планом развития и серьезной поддержкой сообществаМожно рассматривать [[https://​​|UTLH]] как долгосрочную инвестицию и рекомендовать этот проект к изучению профессиональным инвесторам+A dominating presence in the heart of the Ethiopian capitaladorned with a sweeping 150-square-meter ​(1,​614-square-footstained-glass windowthe structuredesigned by Italian architect Arturo Mezzedimihad taken just 18 months to buildFittingly thenit didn’t take long before the building became the site of a landmark event in the story of modern Africa. 
 +Just over two years laterSelassie once again made the climb to welcome the founding members of the newly formed Organization of African Unity (OAU) to their home — a meeting place intended to foster cooperationdrive economic progress and eradicate colonialism across the continent. 
 +Addressing representatives of the then-32 independent African statesSelassie declared that the continent was “at midcourse, in transition from the Africa of yesterday to the Africa of tomorrow.” 
 +“We must act to shape and mold the future and leave our imprint on events as they slip past into history,” he continued. 
 +More than 60 years later, Selassie’s message has come full-circleAfrica Hall has been shaped and molded anew. 
 +Last October marked the completion of a decade-long renovation across the entirety of the 12,800 square-meter site, commissioned by the ECA in 2013 with a $57 million budget to revitalize the landmark as a world-class conference and cultural venue. 
 +Australian design practice Architectus Conrad Gargett was entrusted with leading the re-design, giving project architect Simon Boundy a mission with dual themes — modernization and conservation. 
 +“The two go hand-in-hand with projects like this,” Boundy told CNN, “Where you’ve got an aging asset, but if it doesn’t get used, it falls into disrepair. 
 +“It’s about bringing the building back to life, making it accessible to the public and celebrating the story of the building for future generations.
utlh.1740837258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/01 13:54 by