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===== Laser Cutter/Engraver ===== PLEASE NOTE: You may **NOT** use this machine prior to being checked out on it. **Owner/Loaner**: Asheville Makers \\ **Donated By**: N/A \\ **Serial Number**: N/A \\ **Make/Model**: [[|K60]] \\ **Arrival Date**: September 2016 \\ **Working Condition**: yes \\ **Contact**: Any Board Member \\ **Manual**: Located in bag on shelf above machine ====Usage Notes==== * DO NOT use this machine if you have not been checked out on it. Members who can check you out include Tim, Zak, Avi, and Steve. * Running the laser at full power will significantly shorten the laser life. The maximum power setting used should be 80%. * Certain materials can release dangerous and damaging fumes when cut or engraved. DO NOT cut any material unless you know exactly what the material is and that it is safe to cut/engrave. See this [[|page]] for more information. Note that this should not be considered the final authority - it is your responsibility to know what you are cutting and whether it is safe. ====Tutorials==== * [[|Power up and power down]] * [[|Loading and running files from a USB drive]] * [[|Series of videos about using this machine and the control software RDWorks]] ====Materials==== * [[|Here is a good summary]] of some materials that may and may not be used on the laser cutter/engraver. * [[|Here is another]], which adds galvanized metal and mirrored surfaces to the list of material not to use. * These lists may not be all inclusive. It is YOUR responsibility to know exactly what material you are cutting and whether or not it is safe. If you are unsure, DO NOT USE IT!

laser_cutter_engraver.1476652499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/16 21:14 by